Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's been a quiet month since the last drawings appeared on this space, but this batch seems worth the wait. Another six months of rent has been paid to the postmaster for P.O. Box 11872, and I would love if those months were not as quiet as July.

The second rendition of Jimmy Page from the top looks more like Joey Ramone than the drawing some months ago that was actually relabeled Joey Ramone. And this is a good thing in my book.

In other news, the fifth volume of The Famous Hairdos of Popular Music is all laid out for publication. This one will be dedicated to Prince, and, yes, the covers will be purple, a nice lilac-ish shade. Sometimes you have to give the people what they want. The book should be out by the fall, definitely in time for the Madison Zinefest.

Life happens and self-imposed deadlines disappear in the rear-view, so the publication schedule shifted from quarterly to biannual. One reviewer at Razorcake Magazine will certainly be disappointed that my paper wasting output has shrunk by half. Perhaps this is what their motto "We do our part" refers to. I am sorry not to be living up to my own obligations.

Thanks as always to the drawers who keep this silly project alive. And a belated thank you goes to Anne at Xerography Debt who had kind words to say about volume four last winter. You can read them here.

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