From the Mail

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Famous Hairdos of Popular Music is one of several projects from Lemon o Books, and sometimes folks love those other projects and aren't very interested in these hairdo things. Which is fine; that's why there's so many flavors of ice cream. But if their rationale is that they aren't interested in pop culture or music, I feel the need to point out that that has never been the focus of this project! The Famous Hairdos of Popular Music is an invitation for anyone and everyone to scribble their names on the marble busts of celebrity culture. We are punching holes in Monets!

I love these drawings that some kind folks sent to my p.o. box. Thanks to the drawers, Jack and Charlie!
By Charlie, age 8
By Charlie, age 8

Drawings From the Milwaukee Zine Fest, 2014

On November 8th, The Milwaukee Zine Fest celebrated its sixth year at the Polish Falcon in the Riverwest neighborhood, a bright, balmy bulwark of self-published weirdness against the oncoming gray of Midwestern winter. Already the days are getting longer again. Let's remember a great weekend in November.

Here's some great drawings that folks made for me that day. Thanks to them. Thanks to the organizers, all attendees, all the exhibitors. Thanks!

From the Mail

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's been quite a while without new drawings here at The Famous Hairdos of Popular Music.
Some might say too long.

Others might say not long enough.

I say, "Here's some drawings that arrived in the mail. I think they are wonderful."
"Elvis Purrrresley"
"Weird Elvis"