From the Mail

Thursday, December 26, 2013


On the day after Christmas this fabulous drawing was waiting in The Famous Hairdos P.O. Box, having traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The post card is signed on the verso in exuberant script, "Happy Holidays! ♥ Madge."

Thank you, Madge, for this great yuletide gift. And thanks as always to all the drawers past and future who keep this project going all year 'round!

Drawings From the Milwaukee Zine Fest, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

As it always seems to do, fall has conceded to winter, and as the season's first noteworthy snowfall sits heavy on the streets of Milwaukee, I am finally sharing the amazing drawings collected one month ago at the Milwaukee Zine Fest. Thanks as always to the festival's organizers, attendees, and the drawers who shared their talents in the name of this absurd project. There's some gems here. I'm nothing without you. Follow me:


This is fun. Let's keep doing this. Until next time...